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Located at the very heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is bordered by the Gulf of Thailand to the south and the Indian Ocean to the west. This mystical country benefits from an ideal climate, with soothing tropical breezes and average temperatures of between 75 and 92 degrees Fahrenheit (24 and 33 degrees Celsius). It is also extremely accessible, with frequent direct flights from many cities around the globe.

For centuries, visitors have celebrated the splendor of Thailand’s stunning and varied landscapes, as well as the gentleness of its welcoming and friendly people. Thailand was never colonized and much of its charm may be due to the fact that it has been allowed to evolve naturally, to become a colourful melting pot of cultures, traditions, influences and exotic scents and mouth-watering cuisine that combine to inspire and tantalise the senses.

With so much to offer, it is unsurprising that Thailand has been ranked consistently amongst the world’s most popular travel destinations. With the recent relaxation of property ownership laws, overseas purchasers can now invest with greater confidence in a secure and growing residential market, whilst enjoying the lifestyle benefits associated with this wonderful and prosperous country.

Situated on the east coast of Thailand in the Koh Chang Marine National Park, Koh Kood is the country’s fourth largest island and is renowned for its pure waterfalls, crystal clear waters and traditional village life. It lies within the protected waters of the Gulf of Siam, offering spectacular landscapes and lush tropical rainforests fringed with white sandy beaches, leading into crystal clear waters with unspoiled coral reefs beyond.

Acclaimed as one of the most pristine and untouched islands in Thailand, this spectacular location was carefully selected for Soneva Kiri and Six Senses Private Residences. The developers have taken enormous care to protect the natural environment here, yet have managed successfully to blend it with uncompromising levels of luxury and service.


Whilst every care is taken to ensure that all general information and descriptions of projects and properties on this website are correct, we do urge all investors to make their own checks and always to seek independent legal advice when purchasing property overseas. Information can be subject to change and whilst we do endeavor to keep this site up to date we cannot guarantee accuracy at all times.